Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Like 30 other million Americans, I tuned into the quaint little television show, "The Bachelor," last night. Grahm and I sat on my uncomfortable, green couch for a solid two hours watching the premier of this comical program. It didn't fail to deliver.

Now, I don't exactly think this Brad fellow [even if it is his second time on the show] is going to find his soul mate amidst the plethora of quirky women. [What's up with fang girl?] But in some ways, I understand why the show is so popular. It embodies almost every normal person's dream, finding someone to love. Someone to marry and start a life with. Add a little drama, a handsome millionaire, and what's not to love?

Well, lots.

This got me thinking about marriage. I'll be honest, it doesn't take a lot for that topic to bounce around this tiny brain. But I decided last night that this show goes against just about everything I believe a marriage should be.

I think the premise of this show is not "finding love," but finding "someone." Anyone will do. Select a random group of beautiful women and your soulmate is bound to be one of them, right? I guess that's the point... there are no soulmates. It's all chance, good looks, and who, in the end, is going to be the best for me. Spend a few "alone" sessions with them, and BAM, you're engaged.

I don't think that's the way God works.
I think he brings people together [not in a gameshow], purposefully and decidedly.
There is only one person out there for each of us, and God knows who he/she is. Unlike the "Bachelor," it's not a matter of simply finding someone you're attracted to and "making it work."

Marriage is a huge decision. The biggest one you'll ever make, ever. And it shouldn't be taken lightly. Now, who's to say if you've dated long enough? My grandparents dated for three months before tying the knot, and they have a strong, wonderful marriage. My parents, on the other hand, dated for two years. Likewise, they have an amazing relationship that I can only hope to emulate. Point and case, it took them a little bit longer than a few "one on one" dates for them to figure it out.

In the end, I think this show is a sad [although very humorous] attempt at finding love.

What about you? Do you believe in soulmates?


  1. The Bachelor's premise is sooo poorly done, the fact that it ends in an engagement is ridiculous. I haven't watched it since Trista and Ryan - but I definitely indulged myself in the Bachelor Pad.

    I don't know if I believe in soul mates per se, but I do believe in fate. My parents fell in love at first sight as they like to call it... and I like to think I have a moment like that with my boyfriend, except it was like 3 years later until we actually met (and I'm the only one who had the moment).

    I think that the decision of marriage is taken far too lightly these days - hence 1 in 2 marriages end in divorce.

    My boyfriend and I have been together for four years - and mainly because I think we're too young to get married. Had we met in the 40s we probably would have been married for about 3.5 years now. I remember thinking VERY early in the relationship, that okay, this really is it I'm not just being naive.

    We live in a different age now and marriage is soooo different from our parent's generation.

  2. I don't believe in soul mates. It seems pretty implausible to think there is only ONE person out there that you could marry. You should read "Sacred Marriage" if you haven't yet. (-: It's awesome!


  3. Austin and I had this discussion the other day about "soul mates." I'm not so sure that there is only one person out there for us but I know that God knows my steps before I take them and I believe that if following him he will guide me to that person. And I'm thankful he did guide me to Austin! But the whole "soulmate" thing is tricky!

  4. Ah, The Bachelor. So ridiculous but so addicting. I watched it, too.
    I'm a big believer in soul mates. :-)

  5. I agree with Kathryn for those same reasons and because I feel like if a spouse were to die the other were to remarry, that God could bless that marriage equally.

    Ok, so Shutterfly, it's tricky, it took me a while to figure out what was going on with that book, but if you don't want a caption, just leave it blank, and they won't print anything there.
    For the cover, there should be four tabs at the top that say "Style/Pages/Cover/Preview". If you go to "Cover", above the side panel that has preview pictures of the covers, select Cover Type "Fabric/Leather".

    I hope that helps! Good luck on your book! :)
